Aleppo VFC started in 1948 when 13 members of the community decided to give up there free time and protect themselves and the neighbors. Using their own money they purchased a fire truck and the property to store it. In 2004 Aleppo VFC started protecting Sewickley Heights Borough in addition to Aleppo Township. We currently protect 2,726 residents in both areas on a total area of 9.2 miles.
For Parents:
As a parent, your child's safety is one of your top priorities. You should sit down and make sure your children are aware what to do in case of an emergency. Some of the points you should discuss with your children are:
Having more than one way to exit any room.
Having a safe place to meet, such as certain tree or your neighbors house, in case of an emergency or a smoke alarm.
In case of a fire: stay low and crawl below the smoke to exit the house.
Stop, drop, and roll.
You should have a smoke detector in every room. You should change the batteries in the detector twice a year--we recommend when the clocks change to make it easier for you to remember.
For more information, visit this website: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/prevention/outreach/children.html
For Kids:
Sometimes just speaking to your child may not be enough to teach them proper fire safety. Here are a few fun websites to further their education.